Our show Strike! Or when the Wolf decided to stop working will be at Kids International Festival on 02nd and 03rd January 2025 at Teatro Paisiello in Lecce. Come to see us!
Here the festival program!
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Our show Strike! Or when the Wolf decided to stop working will be at Kids International Festival on 02nd and 03rd January 2025 at Teatro Paisiello in Lecce. Come to see us!
Here the festival program!
Our show Beyond | an imagination game for early years will be at Segni | New Generations Festival on 3rd and 4th November at 18,45 and 9,00 at Sala delle Capriate in Mantua.
Full festival program here
Our show Beyond | An imagination game for early years will be at the Cour du Spectateur in Avignon from 6th to 21st July 2024!
Come to discover our show!
Our new show Strike! Or of when the Wolf decided to stop working will premiere at the National Festival of Theatre for Children Segnali on 8th May at 9,30 and 12 at Teatro Bruno Munari in Milan.
Full festival program here
Da quest’anno Schedía Teatro può ricevere il 5×1000 delle imposte. A chi dona non costa nulla. Per noi può essere un grande supporto per i nostri progetti. Scrivi il codice fiscale 10064130965 nel riquadro dedicato agli Enti del Terzo Settore. GRAZIE!
Grazie alla generosità di tanti e tante, il progetto Fin da Piccolissimi 2, co-finanziato da Fondazione Comunitaria Ticino Olona può finalmente prendere il via! A prestissimo per tutte le attività!
Our show Roses in the salad will be staged at the National Children Festival in Padova on November 25th and 26!
Here the full programme!
Our show Beyond | An imagination game for early years will be at Internazional Children Festival “Visioni di Futuro… Visioni di Teatro” in Bologna from 25th to 28th October!
Ready for the second edition of the project Fin da piccolissimi [From very early years] funded by Fondazione Comunitaria Ticino Olona!
To contribute to our crowdfunding: https://www.fondazioneticinoolona.it/projects/fin-da-piccolissimi-2/
Our show Illustrated and sung postcards will be staged at International Children Festival “I teatri del mondo” in Porto S. Elpidio on July 19th!
Here the full programme!