Author Archives: admin
A naso in aria [With nose in the air]
with Valerio Bongiorno, Sara Cicenia
text and direction Riccardo Colombini
set Marco Muzzolon
costumes Mirella Salvischiani
music and sound effects Marco Pagani
video animation Sergio Menescardi
lighting Matteo Crespi
International Theatre Festival Avignon OFF
Roses in the Salad will be at the International Theatre Festival Avignon OFF from 7th to 30th July 2016 at Atypik Théâtre, Hall 1, rue de la Bonneterie 72, Avignon! Every day at 9,35 a.m.! We look forward to meeting you there!
A raft through Europe
The project “A Raft through Europe. Promotion and touring strategies whithin European territory” funded by Funder35 of Fondazione Cariplo has just started!
Without a stamp
In an all white country
Parte il progetto “Rose nell’insalata”!
“Rose nell’insalata. Strategie teatrali per favorire corrette abitudini alimentari”!