
A naso in aria [With nose in the air]

with Valerio Bongiorno, Sara Cicenia
text and direction  Riccardo Colombini
set  Marco Muzzolon
costumes  Mirella Salvischiani
music and sound effects  Marco Pagani
video animation  Sergio Menescardi
lighting Matteo Crespi

with the support of


Produced in residency at Residenza Artistica ILINXARIUM
Finalist show of In-Box Verde 2019

“And it was only Marcovaldo who noticed it, who always walked with his nose in the air” (Italo Calvino)

The city … what a strange, complicated place! It is made up of sounds and smells, it lives on the gestures and thoughts of those who live there and those just passing through.
The city also lives in the dreams of those who sleep in the city or those who watch the city at night, when all is still and silent. Or almost.
But the city lives, lives forever, even awaiting the new sun, even under the light of the moon. Or, better, of the advertising signs. Lights that come and go in the huge metropolitan space…
There is a park, a green oasis among the cement. And in the park there is a bench. On the bench, a man and a woman sitting right next to each other for the first time.
They observe each other, exchange glances and make friends. They end up meeting on that bench every day as there is not much else to do when you decide to look at the city with calm. That is, if you really want to get to know it, and try and “tame” it.
It is only a matter of time and soon unprecedented scenarios will open through the passing of the seasons that beat the rhythm of the city’s breaths.
You learn to go beyond, to imagine new, desired spaces and incredible places of the mind, thus discovering that these irresistible cities are somehow right in front of our eyes…. incredible as it may seem.

Recommended age: 8+
Techniques used: acting, video animation
Running time: approx. 70 mins
Minimum stage size: 6 X 8 m
Total load current: 16 KV
Set-up time: approx. 3 hrs
Dismantling time: approx. 1 hr