A winter’s story
puppets, scenic construction and direction Salvatore Fiorini
The weaves hide between the folds of the fabrics … The weaves, to those who listen carefully, whisper of personalities, environments … stories! Maybe we have to be good dreamers. And when the story is ready (or almost ready), we only have to find someone willing to listen to it.
This time, the dreamer and the leading actor have discovered a tale about an all white country between the weaves of the fabrics, submerged in the cold and snow of winter. The main characters are little men, inhabitants of that kingdom of ice, cutting trees on top of the mountains. Despite appearances, that all white country is the chimney on the roof of the world: the work of the little men warms the places and hearts of all humanity. But one day a violent and monstrous storm arrives, a cold never felt before, which stops the work of the little men and throws them into a panic: what to do? Without their work, the world will become cold and sad. So they decide to write a letter, a message for help to carry over the mountains…
Will they find someone willing to receive their request? And will that person be brave enough to face the icy blizzard…?
Recommended age: 3+
Techniques used: acting, storytelling, puppets
Running time: approx. 1 hr
Minimum stage size: 6 X 5 m
Total load current: 6 kV
Set-up time: approx. 3 hrs
Dismantling time: approx. 1 hr
The performance has no special technical requirements and can also be presented in spaces which are not typically theatrical.